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Tell Governor Hochul to protect New York from toxic neonics

PetitionNew York
Neonics are one of the most widely used insecticides in New York. They are responsible for killing the bees and other pollinators we depend on to grow our food, and exposure to these toxic chemicals is linked to concerning health…

Urge the USPS to deliver on more electic vehicles

PetitionUnited States
If the USPS fails to maximize the number of battery electric vehicles in the fleet, they will be locked into decades of fossil fuel vehicles operating in communities across the U.S., resulting in higher maintenance and fuel costs, worse air…

Join us as we fight for a cleaner, healthier LA for all

PledgeLos Angeles
Los Angeles Metro is on track to being powered by 100% clean energy, which means by choosing public transit you are helping reduce emissions and clean up the air quality in our beautiful county. Sign up for updates and opportunities…

Pledge to fight climate change and protect our health with clean transportation

PledgeUnited States
Fossil fuel-powered vehicles are the biggest source of climate-busting pollution, and transportation pollution is also disproportionately harming low income communities and communities of color across the country. Sign up to support our climate leaders working to make clean transportation accessible…

Protect health and fight climate change with cleaner vehicles!

PetitionUnited States
Transportation is the largest source of climate pollution in the U.S. and is also a major source of other harmful pollutants that significantly impact public health. Urge President Biden, EPA, and DOT to finalize the strongest possible clean vehicle standards!

Save the Food

How-ToUnited States
Forty percent of food in America is wasted. By making smart decisions about using, storing, and buying food, you can help save money, water, fuel, and the environment.