Data, Reports & Resources

NRDC is a leader and trusted source in environmental policy and research. 

From reports to issue briefs, we ensure accountability through peer review led by our Science Office, which provides data and scientific analysis that help shape and guide NRDC’s policies and positions. We also offer a range of other resources, such as 101 guides and consumer-focused scorecards to increase access to knowledge about how everyone can be a catalyst for change. 

Featured Reports & Resources

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Viewing 3281 - 3285 of 3285

Harmful Algal Blooms

OverviewUnited States
What’s lurking in your lake? NRDC’s assessment of freshwater harmful algal bloom programs in the United States shows what states are doing—or not doing—to keep the public informed and protected.

Clean Up Transportation Systems in Latin America

OverviewColombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, ChileCarolina Herrera, Amanda Maxwell
NRDC is working with partners in the region on innovative solutions to reduce pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions from transportation.

Climate Change and Health: Extreme Heat

MapUnited StatesDr. Kim Knowlton
Climate change threatens our health by warming the planet, exposing us to a range of heat-related illnesses. About two-thirds of Americans—nearly 210 million—live in areas with a greater-than-expected number of dangerous extreme heat days, new NRDC analysis finds.

Climate Change and Health: Air Quality

MapUnited StatesDr. Kim Knowlton
Climate change threatens the air you breathe by fueling smog and ragweed pollen. About 4 in 10 Americans—nearly 127 million—live in areas with both unhealthy smog and ragweed, a new NRDC analysis finds. To avoid making asthma and allergies even…