Data, Reports & Resources

NRDC is a leader and trusted source in environmental policy and research. 

From reports to issue briefs, we ensure accountability through peer review led by our Science Office, which provides data and scientific analysis that help shape and guide NRDC’s policies and positions. We also offer a range of other resources, such as 101 guides and consumer-focused scorecards to increase access to knowledge about how everyone can be a catalyst for change. 

Featured Reports & Resources

All Reports & Resources

Viewing 1 - 20 of 3333

Jackson Water Crisis

Fact SheetMississippi, JacksonSarah Tallman, Kimberly Leefatt
The drinking water system in Jackson, Mississippi, has suffered from serious safety and reliability problems for decades. Despite recent attention from federal officials, including a lawsuit filed against the city of Jackson in late 2022, the water system’s problems have…

Losing Ground: Severe Repetitive Flooding in the United States

OverviewUnited StatesAnna Weber
There are many ways that repeatedly flooded homes can be made safer from flooding, but the federal government’s efforts are not keeping pace with increasing flood risk. The result is a steadily growing number of properties that flood over and…

Losing Ground: Flood Data Visualization Tool

MapUnited States
The federal government’s efforts to reduce repeated flooding are not keeping pace with current risk—let alone the increasing risk posed by sea level rise, increased severe weather, and other climate change impacts.

Comments of NRDC and Clean Air Task Force on Reliability Issues (PDF)

NRDC and Clean Air Task Force submitted data and analysis showing that the carbon dioxide emission standards EPA proposed in May 2023 are feasible to implement without any compromise of electricity system reliability. We show how elements of the current...

Post-Conference Comments of NRDC and Clean Air Task Force on FERC (PDF)

Natural Resources Defense Council and Clean Air Task Force (NRDC and CATF) respectfully submit these comments in response to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC or Commission) November 14, 2023 notice inviting comments (Notice) concerning the November 9, 2023 Commissioner-led...

Court opinion: streptomycin usage (PDF)

Legal filings
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in favor of farmworkers and public-interest groups’ call for reversal of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) approval of the medically important antibiotic streptomycin as a pesticide on citrus crops.

Advocates Letter for Transmission Planning Rule - Letter (PDF)

Transmission is key to lowering Americans’ electricity bills, improving reliability, and accelerating the transition to a clean grid. We urge FERC to finalize and issue a strong new regulatory framework for transmission planning and cost allocation as quickly as possible...

Stories from the Frontlines of Global LNG Build-Out at COP28

OverviewInternational, United StatesMima Holt, Jamie Lee

NRDC invited key local partners from developing regions and grassroots leaders together to underscore the significant climate, health, and equity impacts of LNG infrastructure expansion. 

The Indian State of Telangana's Cool Roofs Policy - Factsheet (PDF)

Fact Sheet
This factsheet provides an overview on the Indian state of Telangana's groundbreaking Cool Roof Policy that was launched in 2023. This government policy helps people cope with indoor extreme heat risks, lower household energy burdens from air conditioning, and reduce...

Technology Guidebook - Report (PDF)

This first-of-a-kind Technology Guidebook is a compendium of various clean energy and climate-friendly solutions and provides a detailed overview on the operation and maintenance of these technologies. By skilling and empowering rural households, especially women, to take greater ownership over...

Clean Trade Letter for Sustainable Steel and Aluminum (PDF)

A letter from a group of environmental advocacy groups to President Biden and U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai calling on them to commit to a strong Global Arrangement on Sustainable Steel and Aluminum (GASSA) deal with the EU and to...